Entra in Italia con Studiamo.COM

Interactive Italian language Textbooks for Self-Learners

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Our interactive textbooks have many functions and are suitable for Tablet and Pc

Italian lessons contained in our interactive textbooks offer you the opportunity to self-taught learn Italian with a simple, effective and fun approach.

Comunicare in italiano


Vivere italiano

Audio dialogues that you can use in real life situations, a full grammar with examples and explanations of the rules applied, a bilingual dictionary with audio pronunciation, a text note, vary activities and puzzles.
Each book consists of:
10 lessons about 300 interactive exercises, audio clips that you can use in real life situations, bilingual dictionary with audio, a grammar with examples and explanations of the rules applied, extra review lesson and a personal notepad.

How interactive Textbooks work?

Simple! Choose the level you prefer (elementary, intermediate and advanced) and complete the instructions in english or italian. The books were written by Donato Ruggieri and Giusi Venturi two native italian teachers for foreigners.


Finalmente in Italia!

Elementary Level

In giro per l'Italia!

Intermediate Level

Vivere in Italia!

Advanced level

Learn more about Italian Textbooks →


There is also the textbook of pronunciation!

Learn more about Pronunciation Textbook →

I suoni dell'italiano

Italian Pronunciation

I commenti...

ようやくイタリア語の事が分かり始めた気がします。ま、とにかく難しいですよ! 何度も何度も授業で習った単語や会話を繰り返し、暗記しています。でも実際には、 本当に覚えられるかどうか... アイウート! Miki (Nagano - Japan)
I, in fact, continue to make your Italian lessons to my course here in Los Angeles but I am still the lessons on the site because I need to integrate and better understand what we do in class. I'm very satisfied .. and then I enjoy the exercises ... Chloe (Chino - USA)
I went many times in Italy on the road and I always ate very well! I never spoke in Italian, but now I am passionate to study with this website and I hope that the next time I can at least say "buono! Buonissima!!" Aniyah (Towcester - UK)
There's an app for the iPad or iphone? - ( - )
Mi piace la cucina di italia. Io la imparo nel ristorante di Gumna e studio la lingua italiana da solo perche' vorrei andare a studiare in presto nella vera scuola. Il libro di Studiamo.COM e' facile! イタリア料理にはまり、群馬のレストランで働きながら勉強中です。出来るだけ早い時期にイタリアへ渡り、 本場で修業したいと思っています。今までもイタリア語は独学でしたが、なかなか前に進みません。 このサイトの存在を知って本当に良かったです!! Eiichi (Urawa city - Japan)
I did not like studying on my own, but now I began to study Italian especially by train every day and I like it very much ... finally all that time on the train is well spent! - ( - )
si adesso la grammatica è molto chiara, ma parlare mi sembra impossibile! Альберт Alberto (Москва́ - )
Thanks to this site I can understand the Italian language, but I really miss the opportunity of speaking with someone ... to be corrected when I'm wrong ... to have a teacher .. are not very happy with this site. ABIODUN ( - USA)
チャオ! はじめまして、美穂といいます! studiamo。COMのレッスンを始めて3ケ月、 とても満足しています! 会話のレッスンもしたいのですが、可能ですか? APORICOTTO (Zushi - Japan)


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